Alberto Villoldo

Video interview with Dr Alberto Villoldo

Alberto Villoldo is a psychologist, medical anthropologist and author, as well as a shaman. His
passion for the knowledge and wisdom of the shamans was awakened, when Alberto could not find
answers to questions he had regarding psychosomatic health while working as the director of the
Biological Self-Regulation Laboratory. The youngest professor at San Francisco State University at the
time, he decided to embark on a journey to the most remote parts of the Amazon and the Andes to
find some answers amongst the “Guardians of the Earth” – the last shamans of the Amazon. He
ended up spending 25 years in their guidance and became a shaman himself. His Four Seasons
Society and the Light Body School were established to train energy workers.

Content of the interview:

– Shamanism
– Importance of our diet and how it can prevent diseases
– The Four Winds – learn to work directly with the energetic matrix that informs the body
– The Luminous Energy Field, how we can heal ourselves
– Breathing exercise to cope better with anxiety



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The Heart of the Shaman will take you on a journey into the sacred world of the shaman, through stories, dreams, and ancient rites. In his latest book, Alberto Villoldo sets his focus on the dreaming and time-travel practices of the medicine men and women of the Andes and Amazon, whose wisdom radically changed his worldview. Villoldo shares some of their time-honored teachings that emphasize the sacred dream: an ephemeral, yet powerful vision that has the potential to guide us to our purpose and show us our place in the universe.
Click here for Alberto's program

It’s in bringing others the healing gifts we’ve received that the benefits of these gifts become truly ours - Alberto Villoldo

More information about Dr Alberto Villoldo
You can find more information about Dr Alberto Villoldo on his website